Welcome to The Devon Coach

Because Coaching makes things better

If you had no limiting beliefs what would you do?

lots of good things

worrying less & a lot more achieving

Life would be better that’s for sure

Want help ?

A coach with the experience & qualifications to really help?

& Outcomes worth the fees.

keep going, read on & get a feel for me and how we would work together

My Why?

I enjoy seeing people thrive & find their joy

at work & in the rest of their lives.

I believe

  • No one deserves to be unhappy, stressed, anxious or unfulfilled and this can change.

  • We all have inner resources we Just don’t know about, like bits of ourselves we haven’t used yet.

  • The mind is a tricky ole thing it means to help us but often hangs on to old solutions for new problems. I can help you breakthrough to better habits.

86% of people in a survey described themselves as worriers. Fretting on average for one hour and 50 minutes a day.

That’s 12 hours and 53 minutes a week – or four years and 11 months by the time we reach 64.

I can help you and your team improve personally
& professionally so you can lean into life’s natural highs and lows with all your inner resources fully at your disposal.